Overview Pictures

The intent of this page is to give you some interesting pictures to look at if you're coming to my project for the first time, or just rarely, and want to see what's going on.

7/10/2006 - My first shop in Michigan.

8/8/2006 - The toolkit I purchased.

9/25/2006 - Finished vertical stabilizer.

10/02/2006 - Finished horizontal stabilizer.

11/16/2006 - Wing kit arrives.

2/11/2007 - Right elevator done.

2/27/2007 - Stacks of wing ribs to debur.

3/11/2007 - Left elevator done.

3/23/2007 - Right wing in jig (the first time).

3/03/2008 - Right wing in jig (now in Colorado).

3/10/2008 - Right wing skins drilled.

4/14/2008 - Right fuel tank done and being tested.

6/18/2008 - Right wing top skins and leading edge riveted.

6/29/2008 - Right wing in cradle, aileron brackets, aileron gap faring, flap brace, and conduit installed.

7/6/2008 - Both flaps complete (left flap pictured).

7/7/2008 - Left wing in jig, getting drilled.

10/5/2008 - The shop.

10/12/2008 - Both ailerons complete (right aileron pictured).

10/13/2008 - Left fuel tank completed and installed on wing.

10/26/2008 - Left wing top skins riveted.

10/26/2008 - Wing jig gone with both wings in the cradle.

12/12/2008 - Fuselage kit arrives.

12/15/2008 - Firewall done.

06/14/2009 - Bulkheads Done.

06/21/2009 - Longerons bent.

11/26/2009 - Aft fuselage riveted and cleco'd to center section.

12/25/2009 - Forward fuselage assembled and begun riveting.

04/18/2010 - Fuselage turned right-side-up (flipped the canoe).

05/12/2020 - Wings mated and rear spars drilled..

12/14/2021 - Finish kit arrives.

5/21/2022 - On three wheels for the first time.

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