Sunday April 18, 2021
Forward Deck Angle Fabrication, Drilling (Forward Deck)
3.8 Hours

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I started today by fabricating another couple of angles for the forward deck.

Then I got to work on the F703B angle, which serves as a stiffener for the top edge of the instrument panel. Because it's curved, it requires a whole bunch of cut outs to allow the angle to bend. I started by carefully measuring and marking. Then, I drilled 1/8" holes to serve as the apex of each cut-out.

Next, I started cutting out the little angled sections per the plan. This took careful work with a die grinder and a cutoff wheel.

There's a longer section on either side that is cut out completely.

Here's the right side completed.

And the left side.

Next, I drilled the angle to the back side of the instrument panel. This took a while, moving the clamp after every hole, to ensure the angle conformed to the angle of the instrument panel. It came out nicely.

Finally, I fit the F703C-L angle that I fabricated at the beginning of the session. I need to trim a little material from F703B right here.

And the F703C-R.

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