Saturday July 13, 2024
Oil Cooler Diffuser Flanges, Baffle Trimming (Firewall Forward)
4.0 Hours

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Today, I removed the diffuser from the cooler and sanded/trimmed the flanges to size. Then I clamped it back to the cooler and drilled bolt holes. These flanges are very solid.

This is how it will sit on the cooler. I need some longer bolts to reach all the way through, though. I will also use spacers to keep the cooler flange from bending when the bolts are tightened. Once everything is installed on the firewall, I will seal the gaps with RTV.

Then I spent a long while slowly trimming down baffles to get the upper cowl to fit. You want to end up with a 3/8-1/2" gap between them for the air seal material, so I just iterated very slowly.

And a shot inside. I still have a ways to go on this.

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