Sunday August 4, 2024
Baffles, Heater Ducting (Firewall Forward)
6.0 Hours

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Today I installed these grommets for the spark plug wires to pass through the baffles.

I spent quite a while working some more on the air seal material. I really wish there was better information in the plans about this step. It's really tricky around the intakes.

I took the cowl halves off and did some trimming around the inlets to match them up better. I also trimmed the front ends of the intake baffles.

Then I got to work on the heater SCAT tubing. One segment comes down from the right inlet to the heat muff around the #1 cylinder exhaust. It exits the muff and then takes a tight turn back under cylinders #1 and #3. I also loosely installed the alternator back in its spot to make sure I didn't have a conflict with the ducting.

It's kind of a tight fit under the cylinders and between the sump and intakes/exhausts. I secured it here to the #1 cylinder intake tube to turn the corner around the sump. I also put an exhaust shield between the #2 cylinder exhaust and the SCAT.

I then secured it again over the engine mount en route to the cabin heat selector.

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