Monday September 2, 2024
Control Cable Installations (Firewall Forward)
3.5 Hours

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I connected the mixture cable to the airflow performance system.

I anchored the mixture cable to the engine mount with adel clamps to keep it up off of the oil cooler diffuser.

I installed the prop cable and attached it to the bracket and prop governor.

I routed the excess cable into an arc and anchored it to the engine mount with adel clamps and a link made out of steel sheeting. This keeps it up off of the oil cooler diffuser and the mixture cable. It also keeps the radius from getting too tight.

Then, I anchored the throttle cable to the exhaust system links/stiffeners.

I've read about throttle cables degrading over time due to the high heat environment near the exhaust. So I cut open some fire sleeve lengthwise and covered the throttle cable with it. I used short lengths of safety wire to hold it together. This is in addition to the exhaust shields at the closest points.

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